Traditional Training Alone Isn’t Enough To Reach Your True Potential And Consistently Perform Your Best.

Take your game to the next level using the exact system that the world’s top competitors trust to produce results. 5/8 spots remaining for April start


If any of the following describe you…

  • You’re an athlete who’s tired of working your butt off in practice, in the weight room, and in your conditioning… only to still struggle to perform up to your TRUE potential when it really matters.
  • You “try” to be more mentally tough, but it doesn’t feel like you’re getting anywhere, and you’re starting to think you just “don’t have what it takes”.
  • You know you can perform at a higher level than you currently are, but you’re not sure what’s missing.
  • You want to discover the mindset secrets the world’s top athletes use to perform at an elite level — and learn exactly how you can use these same methods to take your performance to the next level.

… you are in exactly the right place.

Mental performance is a skill set you can train and develop just like any fundamental skill

Just like you can train your body to develop the proper technique to dribble a basketball or throw a pitch, you can train your mind to become more focused, resilient, and confident.

But it won’t happen by accident. You have to train your mind intentionally — with consistency, structure — and proven methods for success.  

Mental performance is a skillset that will propel you to new heights and become an unstoppable force


That athlete who used to perform well in practice… but fell apart when the lights of competition come on? They learned how to leverage a few very specific, proven strategies to “turn off” stress and anxiety before a competition so they can go out and dominate.

The athlete who used to let one bad play or one bad game send them spiraling into an inescapable “slump?” They’ve learned how to quickly overcome these challenges, refocus on what they can control, and get back to peak performance in a matter of seconds.

THAT’S the kind of difference mental performance training can have. And those are just two small examples.

Thousands of other elite athletes are already experiencing the benefits mastery the mental side of performance.

Now it’s YOUR turn.

I have taken everything I’ve learned over the years, advising the most elite competitors on the planet, and distilled it down into a group of fundamental, trainable mental skills that make up what I call System 6

System 6

Without the right mindset, you will continue to struggle with doubt, thinking you “just don’t have the mental toughness” needed to reach your full potential. As you develop antifragility, you will start to see setbacks — things you used to think of as “failure” — as an opportunity for growth, and that makes a HUGE difference. As you learn to grow and train your mindset, you will finally be able to blast through mental barriers that have held you back and realize your true potential.

The careful cultivation of the capacity to be alone with your thoughts, free from the inputs of other minds is an invaluable skill to increase attention span, focus and concentration. The philosophy of digital minimalism will help you develop a practice of solutide to set you apart from other competitors and athletes.

Distractions, negative self-talk, and letting mistakes get to you are a sure way to derail performance. Athletes who succeed don’t do so because they somehow evade trials and challenges. They succeed because they develop a SKILL SET that allows them to overcome the challenges and trials they face — and focus and awareness is a crucial component of helping you do that. With practice, you CAN display a highly trained level of present moment focus and  access the all powerful flow state so you can block out distractions, navigate adversity, and perform consistently at your best and shine your brightest when it means the most.

As an athlete, one of the biggest battles you face is this: finding the energy and initiative to do the day-to-day, mundane tasks necessary to reach your goals, even when you don’t feel like it. By developing the process over outcome skill set, you can redirect focus to what is within YOUR inner locus of control — and drive the actions needed to achieve the desired outcome. This allows you to develop an appreciation of focusing on what you can control, letting go of what you can’t, and aiming for daily improvement.

70 Years ago it was thought that weight training would make you a worse athlete, now every Major League team has a strength and conditioning coach. 30 years ago mental performance training was thought of as ineffective, now most Major League teams have a mental performance coach. Today we are just beginning to recognize the value of dedicated breathwork and I want to help you become the best athlete you can be. Dedicated breathwork can

- Increase oxygen delivery to every cell in your body

- Improve your sleep and recovery

- Enhance blood circulation to the brain and organs

- Reduce stress and build resilience

- Increase your focus and access flow

After years of working with the world’s top coaches and athletes, I can conservatively say that a good 50% of elite performance and goal achievement happens OUTSIDE of work out techniques, fundamentals, or any other physical element. Consistently performing at a high level requires the ability to modify behavior and develop the structure needed to execute the plan. High-performers know the power of routine — they know how to build and break habits, and they have a certain amount of structure guiding what they do each day. Those who fly by the seat of their pants or let their feelings dictate what they will do and don’t do are destined to fall short of their potential.

Here’s How It Works

A Customized Development Plan

Each new enrollee will complete a proprietary self-assessment questionnaire that provides our team with valuable insights unique to each individual. Our team then individually scores and reviews each assessment. This allows us to establish a baseline of where each individual is currently in order to design a development plan specifically to each client’s needs and the goals they want to achieve. We then use several criterion to carefully pair each client with a coach that best fits their needs and what they are looking to achieve.

Weekly Coaching Calls

Four 60 minutes calls with your mental conditioning coach every month. Providing you with the clarity, accountability, and support you need to consistently perform your best.

A System That Produces Results

These are the same training methods and system used to produce results with my top clients. This is a simplified version of the system that has produced: a Heisman Trophy winner, x4 Cy Young Award winners, World Series Champions, x8 UFC World Champions, over 1000 professional draft selections, and Olympic medalists.

Personalized Success Checklist

This 1:1 coaching program is specifically designed to provide you with a systematic process, using actionable steps, you need to consistently perform your best over time. I will help you create your “Success Checklist” and hold you accountable to the habits you need to execute on a daily basis to reach your goals.

Quarterly Reassessment

Every 90 days, I will conduct a reassessment in order to measure progress, recalibrate the coaching plan, and ensure each client is on target to hit their goals.

Reach Your Potential

Many clients find that the clarity, accountability, and support their mental performance coach provides, sets them up for success off the field too. Each of these 6 skills easily translate to success in classroom or wherever they’re applied. Our goal is to build the foundation our clients need to be successful both on and off the field.

Risk Free, 100% Money Back Guarantee

Training packages are sold in 12 session increments. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with the coaching within the first 4 sessions I will refund you 100% 

Just let my team know, and we can cancel or pause your coaching subscription at any time.

Frequently Asked Questions

-Nationally recognized and awarded personal trainer, voted top 10% in all of Canada

-Certified Mental Performance Mastery Coach

-Oxygen Advantage Functional Breathing Instructor

-Clinical Hypnotist (In Progress)

Yes! Chess is a passion of mine and I want to forever change how elite and recreational chess players improve their game. System 6 as a mental conditioning system works perfectly for chess players.

Yes I do. I started off as a traditional personal trainer and found that physique athletes could really benefit from mental conditioning. The sport at its highest level requires nearly 24/7 discipline and focus. System 6 is a perfect match for physique athletes.

The program consists of a weekly 1:1 coaching call with your mental performance coach. Each sessions lasts about 60 minutes and all calls are conducted using Zoom. Each session is recorded and made accessible to you in Google Drive, giving you the ability to revisit any time.

You also have access to your mental performance coach between sessions for added support.

Our team conducts a reassessment with each client every three months to recalibrate the training program in order to stay on target with each clients goals.

The coaching can last as long as you’d like it too.

Our goal is to set you up for consistent, long-term success which is made possible by the clarity, accountability, and support that your mental performance coach provides.

Mental conditioning is not a quick fix or jedi mind trick, it takes dedicated effort on the athlete's side to see results. Over the years I have decided to only work with motivated competitors and athletes who are dedicated to sustained progress. 12 sessions / 90 day blocks allows me to effectively coach System 6 so that my clients get the results they are looking for.

I use an app called Calendly. It allows easy and efficient scheduling.

The majority of all scheduling issues can be resolved with a quick e-mail to your coach


Once registered, you will receive an email providing instructions to start the onboarding process.

Each new enrollee will complete a self-assessment questionnaire that helps provide our team with valuable insights unique to each individual.

My team and I will then individually score and review each assessment.

This might be the most important piece of the entire process.

It allows us to establish a baseline of where each individual is currently and design a development plan specifically to that individual’s needs and the goals they want to achieve.


Once enrolled, I will reach out to you for a brief introductory phone call. This is a great opportunity ask any questions you have before scheduling your first coaching session.